Juicy Tensions

We've all been there, scratching our heads when what folks say, what they do, how they act, and how they feel don't quite add up. Welcome to the intriguing world of 'juicy tensions' - the hidden contradictions in user behaviour that form the bedrock of innovation in product development.
Unearthing the Tensions: Look, Don’t Leap
Let's get this straight: When people contradict themselves, they're not pulling our leg or lying to us. They're giving us an invitation to dig deeper and get curious. Instead of assuming they're fibbing; we ask, probe, and listen.
Our favourite method to put this into action is by using the "5 Whys" strategy. It's our shovel to dig into the truth, peeling back layers of thought and feeling with every 'why'. But it's not just about the 'why'. We also ask about real behaviours, feelings, intent, what they say, and actions to better understand how people behave in their world.
Contradiction in Action
Meet Sarah. She says she's a jogger, loves the idea of lacing up her sneakers and hitting the pavement. But in reality she only jogs once a month. Here's the juicy tension: Sarah loves identifying as a jogger, but doesn't jog all that much.
How can we bridge this gap? Instead of trying to make Sarah jog more, we could explore ways to make her feel more like a jogger. This immediately opens up a new solution space. By understanding the contradiction, we uncover opportunities for innovation.
Balance in Tension
Our approach to understanding juicy tensions draws inspiration from a principle in architecture and nature: tensegrity. A term coined by Buckminster Fuller, tensegrity is about the balance and stability that come from opposing forces.
Picture a floating balloon, kept steady by the opposing forces of the helium pushing up and the air pressure pushing down. That's tensegrity in action. Likewise, by appreciating and understanding the tensions in user behaviour, we can create balanced, impactful solutions.
Navigating the Tensions Together
At InsightLab, we're passionate about diving deep into these juicy tensions. Our virtual researchers are trained to approach contradictions with curiosity and empathy. They guide users through dynamic conversations, extracting valuable insights that can fuel innovation.
Remember, when you come across a contradiction in user research, it's not a roadblock – it's an opportunity. An opportunity to understand deeper, innovate smarter, and create solutions that truly resonate. And with InsightLab, you're never alone in navigating these exciting tensions.